Well, since I've become a total Facebook-aholic, I have been somewhat distracted from my due diligence to my blog. So here is an update for you Mom (since you're probably one of the few who actually reads this - tongue in cheek). It's official, Darren and Aaron Goddard and I will be living together this coming year in the apartment on 9th. I am indeed moving to Toontown, and I'm pretty stoked about it.
When my parents were here last weekend, my father and I spent some quality time chilling in the garage prepping my summer rims for paint. It was lots of fun, and I am really looking forward to working on other things with him in the coming years (let's do that 'vert up right). It was really great to throw ideas for the old '69 off of each other. I am looking forward to saving the cash up to get my car resprayed and cleaned up. I'm thinking of either an Audi Brilliant Red or going to my favourite Europe only colour in the VAG range - Oak Green. It's a Mk2 and Corrado colour and it is just I'll have to mull that one over for a while. I already know what my dad will say though!
Washed and waxed the car - it looked great for about 12 hours, at which point it rained and then immediately heated up. This meant that pollen was released upon my poor, wet, unsuspecting Beast, leaving her forlorn and once again covered in pollen. You just can't win.
That's all for now!