An update...
Since Dan was nagging me for an update (since he lives in the same city as me and is probably more updated than most) here goes. I pretty much hate life and my job. Every day is exactly the same. There is never anything new and absolutely never anything remotely resembling a challenge. I can literally feel myself getting dumber every time I step through the door into Home Depot. My car doesn't run. I take the bus everywhere. I make just enough money to scrape along on the poverty line, scrambling for pennies for parts for my car. I don't do anything. I sit at home and watch tv or listen to music in my room. About the only redeeming thing about my life in Saskatoon has been Dan, who I hang out with regularly. I don't drink anymore, so social time at the pub doesn't really happen.
My life is just a big grey blur. If someone asks me about something that happened at work the day before, there's a very good chance I won't even remember the day before. Either that or it'll have just become a homologous blob with every other day I've worked there.
So there's an update...very pessimistic, I know, but maybe I'll have some sunshine, lollipops and unicorns later. Yippee-ki-yay.