A Love/Hate Story...or Paul's Struggle to keep the Beast running!

A Love/Hate Story...or Paul's Struggle to keep the Beast running!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I don't have photoshop, so you'll have to use your imagination. the rims on the jetta-
on my car tomorrow! Or soon....whichever one comes first!


Paul Wood said...

[QUOTE=spdfrek]Its almost like watching a monkey trying to figure out how to get a banana out of a clear plexi box. If you know how, you just open the box, but the monkey doesn't so he jumps up and down throwing his crap at the researchers.[/QUOTE]

Paul Wood said...

[QUOTE=mechsoldier]....then it'll just downward spiral into something so foul that it'll make carebears puke blood[/QUOTE]